
A brand’s success not only depends on its consumer’s acceptance and the purposes it serves, and through revenues. It can only attain success and build a good reputation if it gives back to society with its other aspects apart from its Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
Helping the Local Industry

Our CSR Initiative

Hema Beverages is the country’s oldest and most well-established bottled water company, with UNBS and ISO 9001:2015 certifications.

Hema takes an initiative of an auspicious contribution

Hema Beverages, the most trusted mineral water brand over the past 16 years, is contributing to society by donating water. Water donation stands as a symbol of utmost kindness and is indeed one of the noblest services one can do.

We are celebrating our sixteenth year as a company. We are working as a team together to unite, enrich the nourishment, and fulfill the promises we made to society. Thus, we are donating water bottles to our neighboring orphanages. We, a reputed brand, are giving back to our community and encouraging others to do the same.

Hema—A Platform of Integrity and Awareness

A brand's success not only depends on its consumer's acceptance and the purposes it serves, and through revenues. It can only attain success and build a good reputation if it gives back to society with its other aspects apart from its Unique Selling Proposition (USP). The company is primarily known for its drinking water.

However, during the pandemic, Hema played a pivotal role in society. Initially, during the pandemic, when nobody could find "the leap of faith" to survive steadily, Hema worked hard for the community as a team to fight against COVID by distributing sanitizers to people. These crucial elements have provided the brand to add more texture by attaining 'completeness and Mass Acceptance.'

Hema as the Government's Aid

During the pandemic in 2020, Hema played a significant role by helping the government fight against the contagious virus.

Hema donated food, water, and sanitizers worth 50 million UGX as a Covid relief fund, which not only helped the government or the nation but also stood as a symbol of 'hope' to the entire nation by winning the hearts of many. Hema packaged drinking water proved that little effort and humanity are priceless concerning individual benefits.

Want to Know More?

Please get in touch, we would love to provide more informations related to our production.
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Together we grow

With our dedication to quality, we are UNBS and ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. Our automated methods need minimum human intervention to ensure consistent quality and hygiene.